welcome to north platte intermediate!

At North Platte Intermediate School, we are focused on empowering our students to meet tomorrow's challenges. We are committed to building a learning community of responsible citizens who have a passion for learning through an integrated curriculum. Through strong curriculum integration it is our goal to help students develop a positive attitude towards their learning process.  North Platte Intermediate focuses on keeping educational opportunities and student success at the forefront of our educational process. We encourage active engagement and leadership roles of all students to further develop their social growth and character education. Students benefit from weekly electives focused on physical growth, technology, music and arts.  It is our hope that through the integration of a strong curriculum balanced with foundational skills, leadership development, emotional support, physical growth, and a love for the arts that our students will become lifelong learners focused on contributing to their community as productive citizens. 

Parent involvement is highly valued and strongly encouraged by the school through orientation, parent handbooks, newsletters, progress reports, and conferences. The North Platte PTA is an active organization which offers patrons the opportunity to enhance the education of students in a variety of ways.

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